Behind the Lens
Under the Bridge
Under the Bridge
13 years, 4 months ago Posted in: Behind the Lens 0

The Bridge, it’s said that everyone has a bridge in their life. This bridge could be to hang out under, to cross rivers or borders, or to provide a safe return. The Grand Island Bridge has been many things to me, passage to work, a towering archway high above the waters of the Niagara River and possibly a frightful end.

I have had one reoccurring dream throughout my life. This three part dream happens the same way and feels the same every time. It started when I was about 5, but I have not had this dream in over ten years but about one year ago it returned and I wondered why. Was I in a familiar place or was my mind tired of making up new ideas so it pulled from the past. ?

The beginning of this dream wonders through thoughts of being small in an ever growing world and shifts to out running a rolling bolder then I end up on the shores of the mighty Niagara River staring at the Grand Island Bridge. As I am for some reason fixated on the bridge, I hear a noise and my eyes zoom to the east bound lane and see a car smash through the rails and plummet towards the fresh waters below. I had been convinced since an early age that my fate would be sealed inside four doors at the bottom of the river. Now, I am not so sure about this demise but I try never to forget destiny and inter-workings of fate, so whenever I do see this bridge or cross it I pause and wonder where it might lead…  bridge to somewhere

Theses images are not “photoshopped” at all… as shot

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