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Silver Night Slide:  Escaping just to return… falling just to feel the come back.
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Taken on the shore of Middle Saranac in late July....
It was my second trip down to the southern Adirond...
Heavy undertows apparent on the shore of Mirror La...
An element of surprise can only explain some of th...
If only I could freeze in time....
Taken on a recent trip to North Tonawanda, one of ...
Lighting encased Lake Placid and the wind tore thr...
Its really hard to see the hole at night....
Taken on the Lake Placid Golf Course. The light fr...
A full moon over Lake Flower in Saranac Lake, seem...
My friend and I watch as Lake Placid fills with to...
This is a shot from the closing firework display i...

It’s been told that the “night time is the right time”, well at least it’s a fun time.  I took my first night photograph in Australia stuck inside a bus stop.  It was pouring saltwater and I had to wait it out.  The lights of the oncoming traffic drew my eye so I propped up my camera and shot. I probably took a ton of shots to get the light right, but thanks to digital review it wouldn’t cost me but time to learn.

8 months later I would take a night photograph on my friend’s farm that changed my internal direction.  It’s probably the most influential moment I’ve had as a photographer.  It turned me on, I didn’t even know I was plugged in but it lite a fire in me.

I think it’s only fitting that my focus has come back to night photography.   Now focus…

PolarEdge Designs